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Email Marketing
October 9, 2023

Email Marketing Has Changed

Jordan Carlson
Senior Strategist

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Jordan Carlson
Senior Strategist

Do you have an inbox chock-full of spam marketing emails? Well, so do I, but I have learned a lesson or two from clicking on them, and you can, too. 

Email marketing has been a cornerstone of digital marketing strategies. Plus, it is one of the easiest and low-cost ways to reach many customers simultaneously. But what once worked no longer works. Email marketing strategies have evolved significantly, adapting to changes in technology and consumer behavior. The way you send emails for your business has to adapt, too!

Let’s dive into how email marketing has changed and how you can improve your email marketing:

The Early Days of Email Marketing

Did you know that emails started before the internet was public? 

Email marketing emerged as a simple and direct way to reach potential customers. Businesses would compile email lists and send mass emails promoting their products or services successfully. Then, in the 90s, email-building platforms launched to make emails more aesthetically pleasing. But let's be honest; those early attempts were unsophisticated and needed more personalization and laser-focused targeting.

Segmentation and Personalization

One of the transformations I've personally witnessed is the dramatic pivot toward segmentation (list building) and email personalization. Have you ever marveled at those emails that land in your inbox, addressing you by name or reminding you about that abandoned shopping cart? 

Gone are the days of blanket, generic messages sent to entire email lists. Businesses are using email platforms that combine the power of databases and analytics to reach their audience. The result? Tailor-made email campaigns that hit the mark, but also leaving you a little creeped out.

Automation and Drip Campaigns

From the words of the famous Showtime Rotisserie infomercial, “Set it and forget it!”

Automation tools have revolutionized email marketing. Using automation and drip campaigns is an easy way for you to stay on top of communication with leads or clients. You can now set up drip campaigns that deliver a series of pre-planned emails to subscribers over time. It is important to note that not all email platforms and automation tools are created equal. When looking for automation tools, it is essential to find a tool that can do everything you need to reach your audience. These automated sequences help nurture leads, onboard new customers, and re-engage inactive subscribers without continuous manual intervention. Learn more by reading or watching our Step-by-Step Guide to Building Email Automation with HubSpot.

Advanced Analytics

Modern email marketing platforms provide robust analytics and reporting tools. You can track more than just open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates but things like types of devices, heatmaps of where people are clicking, and some platforms can even track how many times an email was opened. The more data you utilize, the more effective your campaigns become. Using tools like A/B testing allows you to test and continuously optimize your emails. Understanding how to interpret and utilize the data gives you an advantage and will help refine your email marketing strategies. 


Email marketing has evolved significantly from its early days as a simple communication tool. Today, it is a sophisticated and highly effective digital marketing strategy that leverages automation, personalization, and advanced analytics to engage customers and drive results. 

Despite technological changes, email marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses looking to connect with their audience meaningfully. As the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, so will email marketing, adapting to new trends and technologies to deliver value to your business and customers.

I challenge you to look closer at the emails sliding into your inbox for ideas to use in your email marketing.