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January 15, 2024


Elli Haddick

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Elli Haddick

I had a whole other topic planned for this week, then yesterday I read this NPR article called “Martin Luther King is not your mascot” by Leah Donnella. Leah reminded me that MLK is not a day to promote your business. So this week’s Madak Monday is about leaving space, to reflect and celebrate a man who did so much.

Here is a quote from The Washington Post in 1983 by Coretta Scott King on the vision of how the holiday honoring her husband should be observed:

"The holiday must be substantive as well as symbolic. It must be more than a day of celebration . . . Let this holiday be a day of reflection, a day of teaching nonviolent philosophy and strategy, a day of getting involved in nonviolent action for social and economic progress."

More articles & resources: 

The King Center

Times Article: 10 Surprising Facts About Martin Luther King Jr.

NMAAHC Article: The 15 Year Battle for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Story Corps: Stories for Martin Luther King Jr. Day