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Brand Messaging
July 19, 2021

Taking Your Brand Message to Social Media

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Day after day, people are exposed to marketing through emails, social media posts, digital ads, and more. To stand out, your brand message has to be unique and impactful. Not only do you need to decide what your message is, but also how you want to share it to ensure that it doesn’t get lost in the crowd.

Your brand messaging helps dictate how buyers and leads relate to your brand. This messaging can inspire, persuade, educate, entertain, and motivate. In the end, the goal is to get people interested in your products and services as well as your brand as a whole. This kind of support generates more loyal and long term customers.

So, how do you get started with taking your brand’s message to social media? Keep reading to find out.

The Basics of Brand Messaging and Social Media

Social media marketing is about more than just advertising a new product or service. Using social media to share your message from a unique angle allows you to reach audiences in a different way than you would through emails or website interaction. It’s true that people care about your products and your price points, and including these things on social media isn’t a horrible practice, but brand messaging is about much more — it’s about getting people to feel connected to your brand.

Sharing your message on social media allows you to forge customer relationships in a way that isn’t possible through emails or one-sided ads. To strengthen the connection with your customers and make yourself more relatable, sharing things about what goes on behind the scenes can make customers feel much closer and more involved in your brand. This can include introducing key members of the team in a welcoming and relaxed way, sharing information about your internal operations and behind-the-scenes processes, and so much more.

Not only can the customer learn more about your business in a less rigid environment, but it also allows you to learn more about your customers. You can ask for opinions, start conversations, and engage with people directly in a public and collaborative space. This kind of direct interaction can help people feel much closer to your brand and will strengthen customer relationships.

How to Bring Your Message to Social Media

There are many angles to consider when creating a brand message, but the best place to start is with the customer. Who is your target audience? What are their needs and wants? Your messaging will depend upon this, as you are trying to position yourself as the solution to your customers’ problems or as the object of their desires. For example, if you sell gardening supplies and you know your audience is mostly women aged 30-55, try to step into their shoes and consider what their main concerns are — ease of use, comfortability, safety, affordability, sustainability?

Team work makes the dream work. Coming up with your brand messaging or social media marketing strategy is a process that involves many people. During this process, it is helpful to consider your company values and mission statement in order to stay consistent with your messaging and branding across all platforms. This is also your chance to make sure your unique personality shines through in order to separate yourself from your competitors.

Speaking of your competitors, looking closely at their messaging on social media can help you avoid copying them directly, and can also give you great insight into the kind of reaction they get from customers. How is your business angle different from theirs? What niche are you filling that they are not, and what’s the best way of sharing that with your audience?

Brand Messaging Tips and Tricks

First and foremost, you don’t want your social media to just be another giant ad. Make it clear that your message is written by humans and for humans. You don’t have to choose between being relatable and positioning your brand as a solution to someone's problems. The most powerful messages come from a combination of these things — you understand that your audience is facing an issue or would benefit from a certain product or service, and you want to provide this solution for them to make their lives better.

Keep your message succinct. Short, powerful messages are more memorable and meaningful, whereas long and drawn out messages lose people’s interest and are not as effective or actionable.

Since a lot of brand messaging on social media is about making relationships and connections with customers and leads, it’s important to make your message emotionally relatable. People care about what affects them. Having a list of features attached to every product can be useful in certain situations, but what will the product really do for the customer? How will it improve their quality of life, increase their happiness, or solve a nagging problem?

When your messaging is specific and actionable, it is more impactful. Vague messages get lost in translation or are quickly forgotten, but creating an immediate sense of need or desire for what you are offering will keep your brand on a customer’s mind for an extended period of time.

The Bottom Line...

Getting started is always the hardest part. If you want more information on how to draft some messaging for your brand, you can find it in Module 6 of the Madak Guide. Want a preview before signing up? Module 1 of the Madak Guide is now available for free!