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October 23, 2023

Technical SEO vs. Content SEO

Aaron Place
Digital Marketing Specialist

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Aaron Place
Digital Marketing Specialist

This week, we are going to dive into SEO, specifically technical SEO and content SEO (on-page SEO). Simply put, SEO is the process of improving or increasing your website's visuality on search engines. Search Engine Optimization has changed a lot over the years. 

If you ask Chat GPT what SEO you will get something like this: 

“SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing websites to improve their visibility in search engine results. This involves keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, technical improvements, quality content creation, and user experience enhancements to increase organic website traffic. SEO is an ongoing effort to adapt to search engine algorithm changes and maintain high search rankings.”

In this blog, we will talk about SEO in the context of Google because 87% of all users use Google as their search engine. 

Why SEO matters?

Enhancing your brand's standing, expanding its reach, and boosting visibility on search engines, mainly Google, can serve as a pivotal driver for significant growth. If people can’t find you organically on the internet, how will they do business with you? 

However, attaining Search Engine Optimization has grown notably more complex, owing to the intricate and sophisticated nature of Google's algorithm. This algorithm extends beyond the boundaries of your website's content but also the technical side of your website.

SEO is an organic channel of marketing, much like social media, that can drive traffic to your website. A website that ranks high on Google is typically seen as trustworthy by users, and Google rewards trustworthy content and sites. 

Let me unpack two crucial parts of SEO: Technical SEO and Content Marketing SEO.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is like fine-tuning the backside of your website to make it easy for search engines to crawl your site. It's all about the nitty-gritty of the code, often requiring the skills of experienced web developers to handle testing and execution. Here are some of the key components of Technical SEO:

Page Speed Optimization: Quick loading times are vital for user experience and SEO, as slow-loading pages drive users away and risk lower rankings due to Google's Page Experience update in 2021. Enhancement measures encompass file compression, image optimization, data caching, and minimizing redirect links.

Structured Data Magic: When you sprinkle structured data, like schema markup, into your content, it's like giving search engines, especially Google, a secret decoder ring. They can better understand what your content is all about, which can give your search rankings a real boost. Plus, it helps your content shine as those fancy search results you often see are called "featured snippets."

Decoding Robots.txt: Think of robots.txt files as the traffic signs for search engine crawlers on your website. They guide these digital explorers on what to check out and what to pass by. It's like optimizing the budget for their road trip, and that choice can have a say in where your site lands in the rankings.

Meta Robot Tags: These tags act like a set of digital guideposts for search engine crawlers. They're the ones that say, "index this page" or "hold off," and they also determine whether to follow the links on that page. They're like your personal GPS for precision in your search results.

Sitemaps: Think of them as the treasure map for search engines. They're like the friendly guide that helps search engines quickly find and index all your valuable content. While advanced crawlers are becoming more independent, sitemaps still play a handy role in the SEO adventure.

Mobile-Friendly Magic: Responsive design is like a chameleon for your website, making it look fantastic on any screen, from a massive desktop to a tiny smartphone. It's the secret sauce for getting a thumbs-up from search engines when it comes to being mobile-friendly, and it's all about making your website a delightful experience for users on the go.

Website Blueprint: Picture it as the grand design of your digital home. How you arrange your content can make a world of difference for users trying to find their way around and for search engines doing their thing. It's like building a map that's both user-friendly and SEO-savvy.

Digital Inclusivity: Think of it as rolling out the red carpet for all your digital visitors. When your content is welcoming to users with different abilities, it's like music to the ears of search engines and assistive tech. They love content that's easy to read and interact with. Plus, it's a win-win for both SEO and creating a more inclusive online space.

Locking It Down: When your website uses SSL encryption and proudly displays that "https," it's like putting a strong padlock on your digital front door. This not only makes your visitors feel safe and cozy but also puts a little extra shine in the eyes of search engines. It's a double win – for user trust and better rankings in search results.

Why Technical SEO Matters

Technical SEO might not always grab the limelight when it comes to direct ranking factors, but it plays a crucial backstage role in making sure your website gets the attention it deserves. It's all about being best friends with search engine crawlers, which can help you land those coveted featured snippets and voice search results. Plus, it's all about making the user experience top-notch, which is like the secret sauce for boosting your brand's digital presence and trust.

Content SEO

Content SEO addresses what is actually on your site. The content needs to be optimized for two audiences: search engines and users. 

The specific content you feature on your pages needs to be high quality, relevant, and follow guidance provided by Google. If you use content, especially words or phrases that no one searches, how will anyone find your content? Google has made a considerable shift recently to prioritize people-first content, not content manipulated to perform well for SEO. 

First, create content that your audience needs and will use. Then, make sure your content demonstrates aspects of experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, or what Google calls E-E-A-T. Some key questions to consider when making your content: 

  • Who is your content for? (Audience)
  • How was the content made? (AI or Human)
  • Why was it created? (Purpose)

Key components of Content SEO

Fine-Tuning Your Content with Keywords: When it comes to on-page SEO, the art of optimizing your content with pertinent keywords is a cornerstone technique. This artful practice can work its magic on various aspects, including page titles, meta descriptions, URLs, image alt text, and the very content that breathes life into your pages.

Forging Bonds with Trusted Websites: Building strong connections through high-quality, organic links from respected sources not only enhances your site's reliability but also gives your search rankings a significant boost.

Creating Relevant & Hot Topic Content: Keeping your content fresh and on-point doesn't just fuel your link-building efforts and on-page SEO; it's the driving force behind sustained excellence in search results.

Crafting Exceptional Content with E-E-A-T: When it comes to content quality, Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) is your secret sauce for climbing the Google ranks. Google gives even more weight to content that aligns with strong E-E-A-T for topics that could significantly impact the health, financial stability, or safety of people or the welfare or well-being of society. We call these "Your Money or Your Life" topics, or YMYL for short.

Why Content SEO Holds Significance

Content marketing has taken center stage as the foundation of brand visibility and credibility. To secure your spot in the digital limelight, it's all about staying relevant across a multitude of ranking factors. This journey demands constant adjustment to keep pace with Google's ever-evolving algorithms. The key to your ongoing search success lies in the art of harnessing authentic and relevant content.


SEO never ends; it is something you need to do continually. Putting in the work in all aspects of SEO will grow your visibility, clicks, traffic, authority, conversions, sales, and revenue. Technical SEO and Content SEO play integral roles in maximizing your brand's online presence and ensuring your website thrives in Google's complex ecosystem. A balanced approach, harmonizing technical precision and compelling content, is the key to enduring SEO success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.